
howdown – Sauron VS Voldemort

howdown – Sauron VS Voldemort

For a long time now, it is popular thing to put “Dark Lords” in movies, and you can see it practically everywhere. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter,  Star Wars etc… Having that in mind, I have decided to make this article with comparison of the two most popular in recent years. So, here it is, clash of two Dark Lords. Btw I’m a LotR fan, so don’t get all worked up because of my (potentially) lacking objectivity.

Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

1. Outfits

First things first. How many times did you hear that saying : “You are what you wear” ?  Well check our competitors “working clothes”.

Epic full body armor of Lord Sauron


Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort


Some flea market outfit of Lord Voldemort


Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

Sauron  vs Voldemort – 1 : 0

2. Weapon of choice

You can’t go around waving a stick and still want to conquer the world.

Heavy Mace resembling Lord Sauron’s tower in Mordor


Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort



Ok, I withdraw what I just said, you can go around waving a stick.

Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

Ok, since the power of mace wasn’t really explained during the LotR trilogy, and this is the most powerful magic wand in HP series, I’ll give a point to Voldemort here..
Sauron vs Voldemort – 1 : 1


Since you can’t do all that conquering alone, you need to have trusty helpers.

The Witch King of Angmar, right hand of Sauron and commander of the armies of Mordor


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Dude that was transformed into rat what, apparently, had consequences


Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

The choice is obvious …

Sauron vs Voldemort – 2 : 1

4. End of reign
Since we live in the hypocritical world where it’s common to do bad stuff in real life, to lie and hurt people, but in the movies, it`s always “the good” side that wins, same happened with our competitors. They got beaten. So, this point goes to the one who had most epic downfall (I’m taking into consideration what caused it, also).

Fall of Tower of Mordor and destruction of Mount Doom, grand explosion that destroyed whole Mordor


Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

Can`t really find proper comment do describe what this kid did… It was some emo – emo – hot Emma Watson – emo – emo stuff. Smart move would be to take your girlfriend in the movies, and watch these Harry Potter movies together. She`ll think you are a great, emotionally developed guy, and you just might score some that night. 

Showdown   Sauron VS Voldemort

Well, some of you will probably say that Harry sacrificed so much in his life, he should get this point, but guys, most of his powers and his ultimate weapon were given to him at birth…Yea, you`ll cry : “that’s love”, and I can agree on the fact that love is powerful, but that is not a point of this article… So, as far as our competition goes,

Sauron vs Voldemort (obviously) – 3 : 1

 Article,photographs and video taken entirely from the web http://www.dumage.com

Videos// Youtube 
Images:// Google 

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